Tier system
Choose your plan to get access to our premium features. You can choose to hold $DATA or pay a monthly subscription fee.
Premium Plans
Option A: Hold DATA
Option B: Monthly sub*
*Monthly price for 1-year subscriptions (-50%) and payment in DATA tokens (-20%)
KOLs disclosed
✔️ 200
✔️ 250
✔️ 300
✔️ 400
✔️ 400
New Discovery Delay
✔️ 72H
✔️ 48H
✔️ 12H
✔️ Live
✔️ Live
Advanced features *
Custom alerts **
✔️ 10
✔️ 10
✔️ 20
✔️ 50
✔️ 50
X Search results ***
✔️ 3
✔️ 3
✔️ 6
✔️ 10
✔️ 10
X Search requests ****
✔️ 30
✔️ 30
✔️ 100
✔️ 1000
✔️ 1000
Daily Recap
Discovery Feed
Social Signals
Investor Chat
* Daily Score, Personal Watchlist, Advanced filters, Custom filters
** Maximum number of accounts you can add in your custom watchlist
*** Maximum number of return results
**** Maximum of requests per month
Last updated